Hair Transplant in Ludhiana – Cost, Center & Doctors…

Hair Transplant in Ludhiana – Cost, Center & Doctors…

Hair transplant cost in Ludhiana

The hair transplant cost in Ludhiana is around Rs. 25000-35000. There are many centers that offer hair transplant services at affordable prices. You have to choose the best center where they provide quality service at a low cost.

Best hair transplant center in Ludhiana

There are many good hair transplant centers in Ludhiana. But if you want to get the best treatment then visit HAIR MAX Hair Transplant Center. He is the best hair transplant center in Ludhiana. This center offers various types of treatments like FUE, FUT, Strip method, etc.

The doctor recommended a hair transplant procedure

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the best hair transplant procedure. In this method, a single follicle is taken from the donor area and transplanted to the bald area. It is considered the safest hair transplantation technique.

How long does it take?

It takes around 6 months to complete the entire process. First, the doctor will design the perfect plan according to your condition. After that, he will start the actual surgery. It may vary based upon the number of grafts required.

What results can I expect?

You can expect natural-looking hair after the completion of the treatment. Your hair will become stronger and healthier than before.

Recovery time

After the surgery, you need to wear a cap for 2 weeks. You should avoid any kind of physical activity for 1 month. You can go back to work after 4-6 weeks.

Side effects

Side effects of hair loss are rare but temporary. You might experience some itching sensation, redness, swelling, and scabs. These side effects disappear within a few days.

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